The CleanLIFE Founders, having both owned businesses manufacturing and importing plastic-based materials, have seen first hand:

  • The inputs and processes involved in plastic manufacturing

  • The sheer volume of disposable soft plastics and lack of ability to process them properly in the industrial and medical industries

  • The positive response from consumers, industry and government when presented with alternative compostable, reusable, or recyclable solutions



96% of wipes in retail are imported. CleanLIFE are investing in local jobs & industry, producing their wipes in Australia.


Australian Healthcare uses over 5 million kgs of imported plastic wet wipes each year – an avoidable plastic! Clean LIFE manufacture using FSC certified, plant based fibres.


Importing wet wipes into Australia creates tonnes of carbon just to ship them here! CleanLIFE wet wipes are 53% less carbon intensive than imported wipes.

                                            Download the Switch & Save Flyer.   


- Australian made, TGA approved, plastic free wet wipes
- Develop recyclable packaging & source locally where possible
- Ensure certifications and compliance are met so our wipes meet composting and clinical needs
- Manufacture with FSC certified, plant based fibres

Disinfectant Wipes

Isopropyl Alcohol
Wipes 70%

Disinfectant Spray

Detergent Wipes

Skin Cleansing Wipes

Chlorhexidine Wipes


CleanLIFE have not only gone through rigorous testing to comply with the Australian and New Zealand AS/NZS 5328 Standard for Flushable Products but their total processes, from materials sourced to how the wipes are manufactured has been independently audited.

They are the first company in the world that is Certified to Flush in accordance with AS/NZS5328.

Loo Clean Wipes

Toosh Clean Wipes

Baby Clean Wipes

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