The CleanLIFE Founders, having both owned businesses manufacturing and importing plastic-based materials, have seen first hand:

  • The inputs and processes involved in plastic manufacturing

  • The sheer volume of disposable soft plastics and lack of ability to process them properly in the industrial and medical industries

  • The positive response from consumers, industry and government when presented with alternative compostable, reusable, or recyclable solutions



96% of wipes in retail are imported. CleanLIFE are investing in local jobs & industry, producing their wipes in Australia.


Australian Healthcare uses over 5 million kgs of imported plastic wet wipes each year – an avoidable plastic! Clean LIFE manufacture using FSC certified, plant based fibres.


Importing wet wipes into Australia creates tonnes of carbon just to ship them here! CleanLIFE wet wipes are 53% less carbon intensive than imported wipes.

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